Download ebook Handbook of Child Psychology and Developmental Science Vol. 2 : Cognitive Processes Volume 2 (2015, Hardcover) MOBI
9781118136782 English 1118136780 The essential reference for human development theory, updatedand reconceptualized The Handbook of Child Psychology and DevelopmentalScience , a four-volume reference, is the field-defining work towhich all others are compared. First published in 1946, and now inits Seventh Edition, the Handbook has long been consideredthe definitive guide to the field of developmental science. Volume 2: Cognitive Processes describes cognitivedevelopment as a relational phenomenon that can be studied only aspart of a larger whole of the person and context relational systemthat sustains it. In this volume, specific domains of cognitivedevelopment are contextualized with respect to biological processesand sociocultural contexts. Furthermore, key themes and issues(e.g., the importance of symbolic systems and social understanding)are threaded across multiple chapters, although every each chapteris focused on a different domain within cognitive development.Thus, both within and across chapters, the complexity andinterconnectivity of cognitive development are wellilluminated. Learn about the inextricable intertwining of perceptualdevelopment, motor development, emotional development, and braindevelopment Understand the complexity of cognitive development withoutmisleading simplification, reducing cognitive development to itsbiological substrates, or viewing it as a passive socializationprocess Discover how each portion of the developmental processcontributes to subsequent cognitive development Examine the multiple processes - such as categorizing,reasoning, thinking, decision making and judgment - thatcomprise cognition The scholarship within this volume and, as well, across the fourvolumes of this edition, illustrate that developmental science isin the midst of a very exciting period. There is a paradigm shiftthat involves increasingly greater understanding of how todescribe, explain, and optimize the course of human life fordiverse individuals living within diverse contexts. This Handbook is the definitive reference for educators,policy-makers, researchers, students, and practitioners in humandevelopment, psychology, sociology, anthropology, andneuroscience., The industry-leading reference on cognitive development, updated and reconfigured"Handbook of Child Psychology and Developmental Science" is the field-defining work to which all others are compared. Representing the state-of-the-art in developmental science, this edition has been completely re-conceptualized to reflect significant advances in the field. "Volume Two: Cognitive Processes "describes the gradual development of cognitive abilities throughout the stages of childhood and growth. Theory, cultural concerns, and applications are presented together to provide a quick overview of the subfield, and each succinct chapter provides an authoritative survey of the current best knowledge in the field, a review of the issues central to the discipline, and a discussion of where the field is headed. Readers will find explanations of the cognitive stages, social cognition, atypical cognitive development, and the biological activity underpinning it all.First published in 1931, " A Handbook of Child Psychology and Developmental Science" has long been considered the definitive guide to the field of child development. Part of a four-volume reference, this book emphasizes cognitive development as explained by experts in the field.Learn what happens in the brain at each stage of developmentUnderstand how children gradually acquire essential cognitive skillsDiscover how each developmental stage contributes to overall cognitive abilityExamine the ways in which culture and the media influence cognitive developmentThis essential guide is the ultimate reference for educators, policy-makers, researchers, students, and practitioners in human development, psychology, sociology, anthropology, and neuroscience. The collaboration between known experts and rising stars, providing complete, detailed guidance on every aspect of child development is what makes "Handbook of Child Psychology and Developmental Science" a must-read for anyone in the field.The chapters of volume 2 take a relational stance, that is, that cognitive development is a relational phenomenon that can be studied only as part of a larger whole that sustains it. The study of cognitive development provides different points of view from which to view phenomena (biological, social), but the resulting view cannot be taken as absolute. It must take into account and be compatible with views seen from different vantage points (that is, looking out from, rather than towards biological and social groundings). And each of these views must, in the end, be compatible with the idea that the child is an active agent who, through his or her embodied actions in the world, contributes to his or her own development . Both within and across chapters, the complexity and interconnectivity of cognitive development are well illuminated., This authoritative reference spans the entire field of child development and, for the past 75 years, has set the standard against which all other scholarly references are compared. Updated and revised to reflect the new developments in the field, the seventh edition is sure to maintain its preeminence in the field of developmental psychology.
9781118136782 English 1118136780 The essential reference for human development theory, updatedand reconceptualized The Handbook of Child Psychology and DevelopmentalScience , a four-volume reference, is the field-defining work towhich all others are compared. First published in 1946, and now inits Seventh Edition, the Handbook has long been consideredthe definitive guide to the field of developmental science. Volume 2: Cognitive Processes describes cognitivedevelopment as a relational phenomenon that can be studied only aspart of a larger whole of the person and context relational systemthat sustains it. In this volume, specific domains of cognitivedevelopment are contextualized with respect to biological processesand sociocultural contexts. Furthermore, key themes and issues(e.g., the importance of symbolic systems and social understanding)are threaded across multiple chapters, although every each chapteris focused on a different domain within cognitive development.Thus, both within and across chapters, the complexity andinterconnectivity of cognitive development are wellilluminated. Learn about the inextricable intertwining of perceptualdevelopment, motor development, emotional development, and braindevelopment Understand the complexity of cognitive development withoutmisleading simplification, reducing cognitive development to itsbiological substrates, or viewing it as a passive socializationprocess Discover how each portion of the developmental processcontributes to subsequent cognitive development Examine the multiple processes - such as categorizing,reasoning, thinking, decision making and judgment - thatcomprise cognition The scholarship within this volume and, as well, across the fourvolumes of this edition, illustrate that developmental science isin the midst of a very exciting period. There is a paradigm shiftthat involves increasingly greater understanding of how todescribe, explain, and optimize the course of human life fordiverse individuals living within diverse contexts. This Handbook is the definitive reference for educators,policy-makers, researchers, students, and practitioners in humandevelopment, psychology, sociology, anthropology, andneuroscience., The industry-leading reference on cognitive development, updated and reconfigured"Handbook of Child Psychology and Developmental Science" is the field-defining work to which all others are compared. Representing the state-of-the-art in developmental science, this edition has been completely re-conceptualized to reflect significant advances in the field. "Volume Two: Cognitive Processes "describes the gradual development of cognitive abilities throughout the stages of childhood and growth. Theory, cultural concerns, and applications are presented together to provide a quick overview of the subfield, and each succinct chapter provides an authoritative survey of the current best knowledge in the field, a review of the issues central to the discipline, and a discussion of where the field is headed. Readers will find explanations of the cognitive stages, social cognition, atypical cognitive development, and the biological activity underpinning it all.First published in 1931, " A Handbook of Child Psychology and Developmental Science" has long been considered the definitive guide to the field of child development. Part of a four-volume reference, this book emphasizes cognitive development as explained by experts in the field.Learn what happens in the brain at each stage of developmentUnderstand how children gradually acquire essential cognitive skillsDiscover how each developmental stage contributes to overall cognitive abilityExamine the ways in which culture and the media influence cognitive developmentThis essential guide is the ultimate reference for educators, policy-makers, researchers, students, and practitioners in human development, psychology, sociology, anthropology, and neuroscience. The collaboration between known experts and rising stars, providing complete, detailed guidance on every aspect of child development is what makes "Handbook of Child Psychology and Developmental Science" a must-read for anyone in the field.The chapters of volume 2 take a relational stance, that is, that cognitive development is a relational phenomenon that can be studied only as part of a larger whole that sustains it. The study of cognitive development provides different points of view from which to view phenomena (biological, social), but the resulting view cannot be taken as absolute. It must take into account and be compatible with views seen from different vantage points (that is, looking out from, rather than towards biological and social groundings). And each of these views must, in the end, be compatible with the idea that the child is an active agent who, through his or her embodied actions in the world, contributes to his or her own development . Both within and across chapters, the complexity and interconnectivity of cognitive development are well illuminated., This authoritative reference spans the entire field of child development and, for the past 75 years, has set the standard against which all other scholarly references are compared. Updated and revised to reflect the new developments in the field, the seventh edition is sure to maintain its preeminence in the field of developmental psychology.