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Download book Braking of Road Vehicles by Andrew Day EPUB, FB2, DJV


As an automotive engineer, keeping pace with technological development and legislative advances in brake design and related fields of theory, modeling and control can seem an impossible task. Wish you had time for a course, right? For nearly 45 years, the University of Bradford Braking of Road Vehicles course has provided technical education and updates in the area of brakes and braking systems for professionals in the automotive industry worldwide, including OEMs, suppliers and legislative organizations. Now for the first time, the course manual-compiled by leading experts from across the automotive industry-has been polished, adapted and updated to form a handbook for automotive engineers needing an introduction to or a refresher on this complex and critical automotive topic. Starting from the fundamentals of brakes and braking, the book covers car and commercial vehicle applications and developments from theoretical and practical standpoints. With coverage both broad and detailed enough to appeal to general vehicle engineers as well as those with specialist brake interests, Braking of Road Vehicles provides a reliable, no-nonsense guide to keep you up to speed. Developed from professional course content and designed to meet the needs of working automotive engineers who require a comprehensive introduction to vehicle brakes and braking systems Offers practical coverage, beginning with the fundamentals and moving on to cover specific technologies, applications and legislative details Provides all the necessary information for specialists and non-specialists to keep pace with relevant changes in materials science, friction and wear, systems modeling, performance prediction, mechatronic systems, software control systems and overall automotive systems integration, Starting from the fundamentals of brakes and braking, Braking of Road Vehicles covers car and commercial vehicle applications and developments from both a theoretical and practical standpoint. Drawing on insights from leading experts from across the automotive industry, experienced industry course leader Andrew Day has developed a new handbook for automotive engineers needing an introduction to or refresh on this complex and critical topic. With coverage broad enough to appeal to general vehicle engineers and detailed enough to inform those with specialist brake interests, Braking of Road Vehicles is a reliable, no-nonsense guide for automotive professionals working within OEMs, suppliers and legislative organizations. Designed to meet the needs of working automotive engineers who require a comprehensive introduction to road vehicle brakes and braking systems. Offers practical, no-nonsense coverage, beginning with the fundamentals and moving on to cover specific technologies, applications and legislative details. Provides all the necessary information for specialists and non-specialists to keep up to date with relevant changes and advances in the area.

Andrew Day - Braking of Road Vehicles ebook TXT, PDF, FB2

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